May Allaah’s Salaah and Salaam be upon His final Messenger, to proceed:
Maktabahmorba.com, by the Will of Allaah and with His Blessing, provides Islamic education in accordance with the Quran and the Sunnah upon the understanding of the righteous Salaf.
As a result, as much as we would want Maktabahmorba.com information to be known far and wide, we have to be careful about letting our websites get watered down. This implies that people may visit multiple websites and see the same material, yet they do not value those sites anymore.
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We want to share the knowledge of the Quran and the Sunnah upon the understanding of the righteous Salaf with everyone. We have a very simple approach for everyone’s benefit. Under this policy, we are only preserving the uniqueness of our websites without denying anyone access to any data that is available on www.maktabahmorba.com
The rights that we have specified in this policy are also safeguarded by our religion., wal-hamdulillaah. If you have any concerns about the basis of these rights, please research intellectual property rights in Islam.
May Allaah bless you & grant us Success. Aamin